wishlist wednesday

I wish I had one more chance to live  with my father. I wish I could just relive all good times we had together.incidentally the book I am holding in my hand today is Danny the champion of the world today by Roald dahl (childrens book but I love them) that says ‘ a stodgy parent is no fun at all….what a child wants and deserves is a parent who is SPARKY.’

Yeah this is what I can describe my father in one word sparky. He was true spark in my life.its been one year that he left  me alone. Last 8 years I have been living physically away from him for the reason I got married and I came to different place but there had been not a single day when we didn’t talk .we would talk about any news item of nation or neighbourhood. …and  any fights with his wife ( my mother) lol.

But there were days when I was angry with him (childhood and teen days) when he would scold me for not doing MY homework or for not eating MY food or for MY ways of life where I would just go to any extent to show that see PApa u are wrong.But now when I think of those days I seriously helplessly cry over the wasted seconds….for I know now that..w hatever he said or     shouted or angered on or reprimanded me was was only for MY well being. Oh papa I miss u  so somuch…..I wish I could live with you again …those wasted seconds. …when I could have got more of you.

So now that I have my own kids how badly I want to live and celebrate with them so that they never had to wish for such a wish.

PS  this post is in response to preeti shenoy wishlist wednesday .her latest book the secret wishlist is up for read now….wow.

Not ccarrying your book banner ….I tried so many times but couldn’t attach:(

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